Symbio, a joint-venture between Faurecia and Michelin and a global benchmark player in hydrogen fuel cell stacks systems, will attend the IAA Mobility 2021 in Munich (Germany) from September 7th to September 12th. At this occasion, the Group will showcase its H2Motive fuel cell next generation solutions underpinning Zero-Emission mobility. 

Hydrogen as a cornerstone

At a time when governments worldwide enhance their ambitions to fight climate change, with Europe aiming to become the 1st climate-neutral continent by 2050, acknowledging the key contribution that hydrogen must play, Symbio intends to put the maturity of its technology and its extensive field expertise to support zero-emission mobility.  

Experience, maturity, complete range of solutions and global presence

Symbio offers strong established assets, technology and know-how. More than 30-year combined experience in hydrogen fuel cell technology from Symbio and its parent companies, Michelin and Faurecia, offering strong financial, technical and commercial support to the company, allowing Symbio to provide holistic solutions to our partners and customers.  

Light duty vehicles equipped with Symbio fuel cells have already achieved more than 4 million kilometers on the road. A performance that is to increase in the coming years thanks to the partnership project with Stellantis’ hydrogen light duty vehicles pioneer launch in Europe to take off before the year-end.  

Symbio’s H2Motive portfolio meets a wide range of duty-cycles, durability, and power requirements from 40kW to 300kW. Symbio StackPacks, compact, efficient, and easy to install within existing engine bays, will be showcased at the IAA Mobility 2021 in Munich.

Finally, Symbio focusses on optimized total cost of ownership combining its systems and production knowhow to scale state-of-the art manufacturing capabilities. The group aims at producing globally 200,000 Stackpacks annually by 2030, and significantly reducing the manufacturing costs within 5 years.  

Come to meet Symbio, hosted at Faurecia’s booth #B70 (Hall A1), and discover how the Group continuously innovates to enhance its full range of solutions. Due to current hygiene and distance regulations, we would like to ask you to make an appointment for a booth tour. Please contact us at   

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Maria Alcon Hidalgo
Communication, Affaires publiques et Développement Durable