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The Symbio Hydrogen Academy consortium launches the first digital educational content platform dedicated to the emerging hydrogen industry. Aimed at all audiences, the platform is available in French and English. The aim of this program is to create the essential training tools for this regional sector, aimed at young people in initial training from bac to bac+8, young new recruits, as well as collaborating technicians and engineers involved in the development of a hydrogen system.

This project is supported by the French government and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region as part of the “Ingénierie et Formation professionnelles et offres d'accompagnement innovantes” (IFPAI) program, the regional component of France 2030, operated by Banque des Territoires.

The first educational platform to train everyone to the hydrogen industry, a lever for decarbonizing the economy and mobility.

Symbio Hydrogen Academy aims to train all publics (students, individuals, and companies) in the skills needed to develop the emerging hydrogen industry, particularly in its uses aimed at decarbonizing the economy and mobility. As soon as it goes online, the Symbio Hydrogen Academy training online platform already offers 86 training modules on 4 key themes covering the entire hydrogen value chain: the industry, fuel cell technology, on-board systems, standards and regulations. Content is available in French and English, with 2 levels of expertise (“beginner” and “advanced”). 40 hours of e-learning modules are already available online. Symbio Hydrogen Academy also offers face-to-face modules representing a total of 518 hours of courses.

Collective intelligence at the service of hydrogen training, with a consortium of 8 complementary partners. 

The Symbio Group, industrial pioneer in zero-emission hydrogen mobility and fuel cell expert, has brought together a consortium combining academic expertise with Mines Paris-PSL and ECAM Lasalle, private sector expertise with LGM, Sector Group and SHERPA Engineering, public sector expertise with Ineris Formation, institutional expertise with CARA and industrial expertise with Symbio.

This complementarity ensures that the training modules developed by Symbio Hydrogen Academy are of the highest technical and pedagogical excellence, with content that is regularly updated to keep pace with the rapid evolution of the industry. The consortium will gradually welcome new members to further expand its training offering.

Symbio Hydrogen Academy is supported by the French Government and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region as part of the IFPAI Action, the regional component of France 2030, operated by Caisse des Dépôts (Banque des Territoires).

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Symbio Hydrogen Academy meets a hitherto unmet training need: learning about all the organizational, technological, and legal issues involved in the hydrogen industry, which represents a major opportunity for the decarbonization of the economy and mobility in France and elsewhere.
The consortium partners contribute their complementary expertise in training, technological knowledge, and regulatory and institutional issues. With the launch of our online platform, the first 100% dedicated to hydrogen training, we have taken another step forward in the development of a sector of excellence that needs key skills and trained talent.
Vincent Zwicky, Symbio Vice-President in charge of Human Resources, IT, and Legal Affairs
founding year of Symbio Hydrogen Academy
consortium members
digital platform launched in 2024
hours of training

About Symbio Hydrogen Academy – Hydrogen competencies accelerator

Symbio Hydrogen Academy is the first initiative 100% dedicated to the hydrogen industry. The Academy was founded in 2021 with the ambition of developing the specific skills that will serve to accelerate the ramp-up of this emerging sector, which must meet the challenges of technology, competitiveness, performance and sustainability, with all publics (students, individuals and companies).

Symbio Hydrogen Academy was initiated by Symbio, the industry leader in zero-emission hydrogen mobility, which brought to-gether a consortium of academic, professional and institutional partners for this project: the CARA competitiveness cluster, ECAM LaSalle, INERIS, LGM, Mines Paris - PSL, Sector and Sherpa Engineering. The partners have pooled their expertise to develop over 80 tailor-made training modules, incorporating innovative pedagogical engineering covering the entire hydrogen value chain.

Symbio Hydrogen Academy is supported by the French State and the Region, as part of the IFPAI Action, the regional component of the Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir, operated by Caisse des Dépôts (Banque des Territoires).

Press contact
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Maria Alcon Hidalgo
Job title
Communication, Public Affairs & Sustainability